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Growing Gifts

Growing Gifts
Growing Gifts

A Place in the Sun

We all learnt about it at school, the cycle of growing. I still remember drawing that diagram depicting photosynthesis. The intake of water, CO2 and UV rays and the output of oxygen and of course the growth of the plant. Putting in that care and attention for such valuable reward is such a good metaphor for a successful business it’s almost embarrassing…

Still, not too embarrassing. This idea of giving 'growing gifts' for business is so good it’s actually a gift for us. Whenever a brief comes in to us for a gift to symbolise growth, we do a little happy dance. Whether it’s for a client wanting to recognise the importance of its employees for successful growth or to show the value of nurturing a growing relationship with important partners. We know that we will be carefully packaging up and sending something that may not seem as instantly practical and useful as some gifts we curate but ultimately not only will it be beautiful but it is no understatement to say we will be enhancing the mental and physical wellbeing of the recipient. Whether it's a mini desk terrarium, a kit for a window sill herb garden or even accessories such as a plant cultivation book and cacti-shaped clips. They're all gifts that will improve the lives of the recipients in lots of different ways. Don’t believe us? Here are 5 top reasons that having plants in your space are great:

  1. The simple process of plants cleansing the air of carbon dioxide and pumping up the Oxygen levels has been shown to reduce stress levels and improve productivity by up to 15%.
  2. These same properties have also been shown to help to alleviate the symptoms of minor ailments such as headaches, sore throats, dry skin & coughs.
  3. Even just looking at plants can have positive effects! The colour green is supposed to create a feeling of balance and wellbeing, encouraging a nurturing environment.
  4. Taking time to care for something, even just a few minutes away from a screen can help to create balance in a workspace.
  5. If your gift is edible then the benefits of ‘growing gifts’ just doubled! Even if it’s just a small herb pot, cultivating something that will be eaten and shared will further enhance physical & mental wellbeing.